Caerleon Labour Party is very proud of the recently started Politics & Pizza group. Started as a reaction to the poor turnout of 16-18 year voters at the recent local elections, it’s a group of likeminded 14-18 year olds with an interest in politics who meet once a month to discuss current affairs and munch the occasional pizza. The disappointing turnout of 16-18 voters at the recent election showed that we need to encourage greater political involvement within this age group.

So, what’s it all about? Well Politics (from the Greek ‘affairs of the cities’) is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources. And Pizza, well that’s a delicious flat Italian bread base with savoury toppings specially favoured by teenagers.
What do we do? Well, we meet once a month (currently the second Saturday of each month at 10.30) in a social venue (The Coffiology Factory or The Green) and chat about current political issues relevant to young people. We sometimes have guests, Jayne Bryant MS came to the July meeting.
What’s important to us? The overarching priority of the group is that it is run by young people for young people and the members of Caerleon Labour Party attending are just there to facilitate. The discussion themes are chosen and led by the group members, who also decide on venues and dates for the meetings.
What’s up next? Our next meeting will be a visit to the Senedd hosted by Jayne Bryant, followed by the mandatory pizza in Cardiff, Saturday 13th August. If you are a young person 14-18 years or you have a young person who would like to come along please contact; Huw Jones (07966 403834) or [email protected]